How 482 visa holders are affected by the recent migration nomination adjustments?


The Australian Government has introduced recent legislative changes that have opened up a clear pathway to permanent residency for thousands of Subclass 482 visa holders. Also, in a surprising twist, the Government has made some last-minute updates by removing several COVID-19 concessions that were previously available for employer-sponsored, family, and graduate visas.

Recent changes to 482 visa

Removal of limitations

482 visa has undergone a positive change, as the Australian Government has removed any restrictions on the number of short-term 482 visas that can be applied for while you are in Australia. This means that you now have the flexibility to apply for multiple short-term visas without any limitations.

While this change is certainly a welcome development, it’s important to note that there is still a requirement to meet the ‘Genuine Temporary Entrant’ criteria for this visa category. This means that at each renewal, your intention to stay in Australia temporarily must be demonstrated and considered.

PR pathway open to all 482 visa holders

Individuals with 482 visas in the short-term, medium-term, and labour agreement streams are eligible to apply for an ENS transitional stream visa, subject to the following conditions:

  • Have an occupation code that exists in ANZSCO – 482 visa holders with occupation code 070499 are excluded unless there is a specific 186 pathway option included in the Labour Agreement
  • Nominate an occupation in the same 4-digit ANZSCO group as the one on their 482 visa
  • Have held a 457/482 visa for at least 2 years
  • Have worked in their nominated position for at least 2 out of the last 3 years (not including any unpaid leave), on a full-time basis, while located in Australia

Ceased COVID-19 Concessions

The concessions related to income and employment for 482 visa holders impacted by COVID-related stand-down periods have come to an end.

How to take advantage?

This year, Australia is brimming with exciting opportunities for individuals who dream of permanently working and living in the country. However, it’s crucial to stay on top of the ever-changing Australian immigration laws and requirements. This is why we urge you to take action and submit your application at the earliest possible time. If you have specific questions or concerns, consider seeking assistance from registered migration agents. Professional advice can help clarify any uncertainties and ensure that you are on the right track with your visa application.


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